
The whole of odd bins!

Thankyou VERY much! Not just the beer but the gesture - really appreciated. But you know I'm teetotal? ;)

Video Blogging for Artists ( December 2008)

Our 2nd Year students have been working on an intensive 2 week Module "VideoBlogging for artists" run by visiting tutor Michael Szpakowski. You can view the results at:


The Blog site hosts short experimental films by thirty 2nd Year Art & Design Interdisciplinary students. The students have been making work examining their relationship with the city.

You are invited to leave comments on the students work through the Blog site.

A life in Leeds by Martin Jessop


N55's walking house

Its reading week, here's some food for thought


product design? fine art? engineering? none-of-these?

Sustainable Mobility?
Totally Useless?

for the project background


Sustainable Mobility

What's that then?

This is the theme for the annual Group for International Design Education (GIDE) project. Our third years are currently bending, exploding and otherwise testing this theme as a means to develop their interdisciplinary practice direction.

We have just set up a dedicated blog http://gide08.blogspot.com/ intended to open possible wider conversations across the network of international students all exploring this theme
Image: Banquete Chair, 2002. Fernando + Humberto Campana


The Interdisciplinary of Interdisciplinarity

Over the last 3 weeks Level Two Art and Design Interdisciplinary students have been considering what Interdisciplinary might mean.

The three week investigation has included; 18 lectures, communal brainstorming, a series of lively discussions, and the making and sharing of diagrams examining what Interdisciplinary might look like. The outcome of this intense consideration is the production of a A4 hardback book, bound lovingly by hand, which will be inserted into the college library as a reference book titled: “The Interdisciplinary of Interdisciplinarity”.

This publication is a collection of thoughts on the subject of Interdisciplinarity. It documents work of current 2nd year students and the various artists, designers and exhibitions that have shaped their ideas and visions; pointing towards models of interdisciplinarity. The publication will be made available for reference in the college library, further increasing the course’s visibility within the Leeds College of Art and Design’s student and academic community.

Many thanks to Mike Flowers, Simon Harrison, Roger Grech, and Chris Graham.

Attached Diagram by Jamie Appleton


Useful links

Last years theme was 'Hospitable City'
Below are links and resources relating to this project theme
'City' research Links:

Global Cities - (now finished)

Competition Briefs:
Design for Living - RSA/NESTA

Shrinking Cities - international competition (now finished)

Public Art:
http://www.publicarts.co.uk/ (BEAM - Wakefield)

Urban Art/Design/Architecture:





Rural Art/Design:


Leeds Visual Art Forum:


I’m for an art that does more than sit on its ass.

The quote (although if you check Oldenbergs’ ‘manifesto list’ from 1961, which says it slightly differently), has been mentioned in an International Institution of objects, The Victoria and Albert Museum in London, which is currently hosting an exhibition titled: Out of the Ordinary: Spectacular Craft.

Out of the Ordinary: Spectacular Craft, brings together the work of eight contemporary “artists” who place craft at the heart of their practice: Olu Amoda, Catherine Bertola, Annie Cattrell, Susan Collis, Naomi Filmer, Lu Shengzhong, Yoshihiro Suda and Anne Wilson.

The exhibition aims to explore:

“…….crafts condition in the 21st Century, particulary cases in which making ‘by hand’ is interwoven with new technologies, unorthodox modes of authorship and contemporary display contexts.”

In terms of Interdisciplinarity this exhibition is key. The exhibition and surrounding debate situates craft practice amongst and across an array of theories and interest groups; each colliding, overlapping and sharing ideas of what craft is and why it is important.

This is craft talking to the world rather than craft talking to itself - not separate, as is so often the case, but fully engaged in the world.

The exhibition continues until -17 February 2008 and is FREE!


NB. There are copies of the catalogue in the library. Also check out the reading list on the above website for further research.

Above image - Susan Collis - Refugee (2007)


Collaborative Strategies Blog

2nd year Art and Design Interdisciplinary students have just begun working on the Collaborative Strategies Module. A Blog site has been created for the Module and will act as a collaboratively formed resource, providing a platform for the sharing of information, ideas, work in progress, event launches.....................with contributions from 2nd year students and staff.
